What if we turn New Year’s
resolutions into New Year’s
Do you make New Year`s resolutions? In your private and/or in your professional life? It is said that the world is divided into those who love making them and those who hate it
In which team are you?
Internet says that most of us fail to keep most of our resolutions. It is even said that the critical date for this is the 3rd Monday of January, so called Blue Monday – the most depressive day of the year. This is when statistically most of us give up and go back to old habits and routines.
Sounds familiar ?
What if we change the perspective? Instead of thinking about resigning, taking and extra effort, stop eating what we love and start eating what we hate, spending money on gym passes that we won’t use ….. we start thinking about new visions of our life and ourselves …. these better ones?
Take it as an example:
… I imagine myself as a long-living, dynamic, healthy woman who, taking an advantage of her retirement, has no trouble putting on her ski boots (by herself) and enjoys one of her favorite sports! I will have plenty of time and money for hobbies at that time (I am working quite hard for that)! To do so, I have to start working out right now … . I will definitely invest in this vision!
… have you seen “Malena” movie by Giuseppe Tornatore? I quite often imagine myself as a very good looking woman in the white suit, walking through the …. production plant in my company (for an example) …. . Exactly as Monica Bellucci in this movie walked across the village! To do so, I definitely have to lose some weight …. (!). Why not invest some time in preparing healthy food and …. start looking for this gorgeous suit!
… I also imagine myself as this kind of leader who manages the company and takes care about people and culture as well. Who is close to employees successes and challenges. Who knows the names and understands department`s unique work. Who is always able to smile and find time for small talk in the canteen. To do so, I should spend some time with employees in all company`s areas. To get know them and let them get to know me. Understanding their daily duties is necessary for that. For 2022, I have defined the following areas: the warehouse, the quality department, the sales and marketing team. Why not fit in “days together” in the calendar right now to make sure I will find time to make it happen!
These visions, of the better version of myself, are my way for new year`s resolutions. Both, in my private and professional life. It is much easier to persevere in challenges and go out of the comfort zone if you are motivated by winning not by losing something. I am more than sure that you realize very soon that you haven`t come this far to only go this far.
So, let`s find some time, make some coffee or open the bottle of your favourite wine, turn on your favourite music and start imagining the better version of yourself! Nice picture, isn`t it?
Getting better and better is a perfect starting point to make your dreams come true at the end of the day! Aren’t New Year’s VISIONONS just about that?
May, 2022