Heart or mind

– what is it about?

This is to share my feelings, emotions, thoughts and all dilemmas I have/ face in my daily work as a CEO.

You can be a business- minded CEO and all your decisions – driven primarily by numbers will eventually help you reach business successes. While you crave to focus not only on numbers, you suddenly see the bigger picture beyond them. – this leads you to the inherent question:
Is it your heart or mind that guides you ?
Preferably, both heart and mind in the proper combination of the two would be the best option.

Is finding this balance important? Is it easy? Is it even possible? Is it intuitive? Can it be learnt?
I strive to address these and many more questions each day. Trying to be a leader not a boss. Trying to be a team player but not the one and only decision maker. Being driven by facts and figures or being mindful of my people’s needs.

Welcome to my world. I am happy to share …

“No matter how brilliant your mind or strategy are, if you’re playing a solo game, you’ll always lose out to a team.”

Reid Hoffman,
Co-Founder of LinkedIn