Employee & Employer – equal rights? Never ever.

Employee & Employer – equal rights? Never ever.

Employee & Employer – equal rights? Never ever. I find it immensely intriguing that certain things can be perceived and defined differently, depending on the position we are in within the company structure. It seems imaginable and perfectly understandable...
The feeling of being unnecessary.

The feeling of being unnecessary.

The feeling of being unnecessary. Should I be happy or concerned? After my 3.5 years of leading the company, I have started feeling … unnecessary. Is it good or bad? Is it the reason for sadness or for happiness? I am not sure yet. I am trying to find out. I love...
Learning from mistakes is passe.

Learning from mistakes is passe.

Learning from mistakes is passe. Feeding vs. feedback. Collaborating is the most difficult work I can imagine. This is obvious for everyone who have been trying to work at least once with at least one person for more than a few days. We – people – are the most amazing...
Crisis management

Crisis management

Crisis management. It has been 3 years since I was honoured to be appointed as the CEO. Truly challenging years. 2,5 years operating in the time of pandemic and the remaining half of the last year in the war time in Ukraine. In such circumstances, no one knows what...