Have you ever thought of becoming a CEO? No?

That`s actually just like me ….

When I have started my professional life from being a Pharmaceutical Representative – the biggest dream about my professional future was to work in Marketing department one day. Why there? Becouse as a marketer you are the creator not the performer! In addition – from perspective of my company car – I thought that You usually work in a nice office (no rain, no cold) most probably with some spectacular view from your window (I saw it in internet), drinking your favourite coffee from your favourite mug all day long! Nothing could be further from the truth. I know this now.

From pharmaceutical representative via medical representative I spent most of my professional life in marketing. That is why I really know that I really knew nothing at the time imagining what marketing life looks like and how responsible and what working at marketing really is.

And then, after 2,5 years as a Business Unit Manager in medical devices company offering post-op dressings, I picked up the phone with some invitation …. .

Which I did not accept. I loved my job at the time. Everything was organized, I had a great Team which/who was delivering strategy and results. Why change something that works, brings success and that you feel good in?

That phone rang several more times trying, in various ways, to get me to meet. Quite long I didn’t know what position this recruitment was for, in what company, in what city …. . Until, as it happens in such situations, a key argument for me has been made: I would be able to live at home 100% of time (I spent few days a week in another city at the time – and this great head hunter knew that!).

Finally I decided to meet. When I found out it was a CEO position (only on the third meeting) I got thrully scared. When I learned that I would be responsible not only for marketing and sales (somehow I knew a little bit how to do) but for production as well – I wanted to run far, far, faaar away!

After 6 months of recruitment process, since August 2019 – I am in the best role in my whole professional life. I took this, most probably once in a lifetime, chance/opportunity. I still don`t know very many things. I am not able to answer very many questions. And I say very often: “I don’t know “. But having the best Team ever we drive successfully forward every day!

Summarizing I come to the conclusion – each next day – that my being a CEO is not exactly about me. This is about Team and me. That my success as a CEO is not exactly my success! It is my Team and my success! Because being a successful CEO is always about playing as a Team.

Think about this great support making the decision of becoming a CEO.

And pick up the phones form uknown numbers! ?

So it looks like Team is the biggest key success factor. But this is quite another story … .

May, 2022


“Capital isn’t scarce. Vision is.”

Sam Walton,

CEO of Wal-Mart