HR’s role
in the company success

– are you in the team of believers or in the team of ignoramuses?

I come from the generation when getting promoted took quite a long time. As I look on my CV, it usually needed about 3 years to get it. In the first year after getting promoted, you celebrated your success. In the second one, you were performing to in order to get to the next level of your competency and worked hard to get your results. In the third year, you were stamping your feet to get noticed and to prove that you deserve the next step.

Nowadays, thigs get totally differently. We are watching the next generations entering the labour market. After Boomers I &II there were X, Y (Milennialls), and GenZers. Since 2012, there has been generation A – Alpha. With every new gen entering the job market, there are significant shifts in the employee’s expectations.

The most important ones in my opinion include the following. We, as a society, are less patient in the area of personal development – not to say impatient, loyalty to an employer doesn’t actually exist – not here about there and last but not least – we are more focused on developing ourselves than on developing the organization – forgetting that the best it works only two sides. These all turns us on and satisfies us. Nothing bad about it.

Many companies I know, still don`t have HR departments at all. Paying salaries, safeguarding legal compliance, tax and administrative issues unfortunately are not enough today. Successful company needs a lot more. To implement successful HR solutions, you need to know your employees and their current and future needs. First of all, you have to know the personal structure of your organization: average age, average seniority, whether we have a competence development and the offer for salary development. Simply put, you need to be mindful of the full scope of varied preferences. Secondly, you have to think about who you will need in the future to realize company`s strategy: would you rather care for the experienced who can enrich your organization with know – how or will you need young and flexible mindset?

Nowadays, to be successful in the long term strategy, it is definitely important to offer a long perspective development to all your staff: the existing & future ones. I believe the minimum would involve: clear job descriptions, gradation of positions, career development paths, annual evaluation system, periodic feedback talks, SMART performance related bonus scheme. And you need to remember that everyone, no matter how experience they are or how many years they have been working for the company and finally what positions they have taken, they want to have some perspective, something to achieve, something to win. You have to consider this while devising your HR strategy. By the way, the hunger for more is great as it is exactly what ensures the company growth!

I come from the generation when getting promoted took quite a long time. As I look on my CV, it usually needed about 3 years to get it. In the first year after getting promoted, you celebrated your success. In the second one, you were performing to in order to get to the next level of your competency and worked hard to get your results. In the third year, you were stamping your feet to get noticed and to prove that you deserve the next step.

Nowadays, thigs get totally differently. We are watching the next generations entering the labour market. After Boomers I &II there were X, Y (Milennialls), and GenZers. Since 2012, there has been generation A – Alpha. With every new gen entering the job market, there are significant shifts in the employee’s expectations.

The most important ones in my opinion include the following. We, as a society, are less patient in the area of personal development – not to say impatient, loyalty to an employer doesn’t actually exist – not here about there and last but not least – we are more focused on developing ourselves than on developing the organization – forgetting that the best it works only two sides. These all turns us on and satisfies us. Nothing bad about it.

Many companies I know, still don`t have HR departments at all. Paying salaries, safeguarding legal compliance, tax and administrative issues unfortunately are not enough today. Successful company needs a lot more. To implement successful HR solutions, you need to know your employees and their current and future needs. First of all, you have to know the personal structure of your organization: average age, average seniority, whether we have a competence development and the offer for salary development. Simply put, you need to be mindful of the full scope of varied preferences. Secondly, you have to think about who you will need in the future to realize company`s strategy: would you rather care for the experienced who can enrich your organization with know – how or will you need young and flexible mindset?

Nowadays, to be successful in the long term strategy, it is definitely important to offer a long perspective development to all your staff: the existing & future ones. I believe the minimum would involve: clear job descriptions, gradation of positions, career development paths, annual evaluation system, periodic feedback talks, SMART performance related bonus scheme. And you need to remember that everyone, no matter how experience they are or how many years they have been working for the company and finally what positions they have taken, they want to have some perspective, something to achieve, something to win. You have to consider this while devising your HR strategy. By the way, the hunger for more is great as it is exactly what ensures the company growth!


July, 2022

“If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can`t hear them anymore.”

Michele Ruiz,
CEO of Ruiz Strategies