Being a woman in the men`s world!

Being a woman in the men`s world!

Being a woman in the men`s world! Do you think about your gender when you are getting promoted and taking a new position? Most of us think rather about competences, experience, attitude, knowledge or if we are ready to go for it etc. But does anyone think about the...
HR’s role in the company success 

HR’s role in the company success 

HR’s role in the company success – are you in the team of believers or in the team of ignoramuses? I come from the generation when getting promoted took quite a long time. As I look on my CV, it usually needed about 3 years to get it. In the first year after...
A Leading Woman

A Leading Woman

A Leading Woman Have you experienced any difference in being led by a man and by a woman? Most probably your answer would be: “YES, I have”. Have you ever wondered WHAT exactly this difference is about? There is a strong public interest in seeing more women becoming...
Have you ever thought of becoming a CEO? No?

Have you ever thought of becoming a CEO? No?

Have you ever thought of becoming a CEO? No? That`s actually just like me …. When I have started my professional life from being a Pharmaceutical Representative – the biggest dream about my professional future was to work in Marketing department one day. Why...