Emotional intelligen in the workplace – hot or not?
Emotional intelligen in the workplace - hot or not?Have you ever dived into the issue of emotional intelligence in the workplace? The idea which is supposed to be the salt for any leader. We might have heard that EI makes a great leader, but what does it actually...
Is it feasible to be 100% objective while leading people?
Is it feasible to be 100% objective while leading people?What does objectivity really mean in this context? Is it an abstract concept or can it be realistically achieved? Especially, in leadership the question is whether it can be entirely maintained? ? Objectivity is...
What a sh*t show!
What a sh*t show!How to take a few steps forward and make sure you don’t step onto the next dog's or any other animal’s poo while you’re driving the sales, teams and all the show forward. A bit sarcastic? Possibly. Sulky? Possibly. It’s your friendly neighbourhood CEO...
You can’t let fear dictate every single day of your life!
You can't let fear dictate every single day of your life!Leading a 140 + employee company, I think I should embrace the idea that people will leave. Actually, this could be the first and the last sentence of this post. It sounds like obviousness on one hand and like...
Is being a sheep an option?
Is being a sheep an option?A sense of achievement at work plays a significant role in our professional lives as well as it influences heavily on our private lives, too. Work occupies a huge part of our lifetime that is why it is getting more and more adequate to...
Managing fatigue: navigating challenges in finding motivation in a high-pressure work settings.
Managing fatigue: navigating challenges in finding motivation in a high-pressure work settings.In October 2023, I found myself in a moment I thought I would never be in - sort of exhausted and demotivated. As someone who has always strived to be the driving force,...
Strategies for recruitment and talent retention in times of volatility.
Strategies for recruitment and talent retention in times of volatility.As a CEO and a woman, I consider myself sensitive to the importance of building high-performing teams that can thrive in times of massive changes. Let me therefore share some insights and...
Embracing Your Achievements as a Female CEO.
Embracing Your Achievements as a Female CEO.When a friend first suggested this topic to me, my initial thought was that as a woman I don`t want to be another “feminist lady” contributing to the world's belief that we need to publicise the topic of female leadership,...
Unveiling the story behind success.
Unveiling the story behind success. How to effectively implement successful changes?We, as humans, constantly run for every sense of comfort. For predictability and for sureness of tomorrow. We look for a sense of safety. We look for peace of mind, which will allow us...
Build the brand called “you”.
Build the brand called “you”.Whether you like it or not, if you are a Leader, particularly while being the CEO of a company, you are building your personal brand. Every day. I would risk saying that almost everything about you matters as long as the image you create...
Employee & Employer – equal rights? Never ever.
Employee & Employer - equal rights? Never ever.I find it immensely intriguing that certain things can be perceived and defined differently, depending on the position we are in within the company structure. It seems imaginable and perfectly understandable when some...
The feeling of being unnecessary.
The feeling of being unnecessary. Should I be happy or concerned?After my 3.5 years of leading the company, I have started feeling … unnecessary. Is it good or bad? Is it the reason for sadness or for happiness? I am not sure yet. I am trying to find out. I love...
Learning from mistakes is passe.
Learning from mistakes is passe. Feeding vs. feedback.Collaborating is the most difficult work I can imagine. This is obvious for everyone who have been trying to work at least once with at least one person for more than a few days. We – people – are the most amazing...
Appreciation and recognition. Significance and implications.
Appreciation and recognition. Significance and implications.Recognition and appreciation. We often use these words interchangeably, and think of them in the same way. But are they really the same? No, there is a huge difference between them. If you, as a Leader, want...
Crisis management
Crisis management.It has been 3 years since I was honoured to be appointed as the CEO. Truly challenging years. 2,5 years operating in the time of pandemic and the remaining half of the last year in the war time in Ukraine. In such circumstances, no one knows what...
Being a woman in the men`s world!
Being a woman in the men`s world! Do you think about your gender when you are getting promoted and taking a new position? Most of us think rather about competences, experience, attitude, knowledge or if we are ready to go for it etc. But does anyone think about the...
HR’s role in the company success
HR’s role in the company success - are you in the team of believers or in the team of ignoramuses? I come from the generation when getting promoted took quite a long time. As I look on my CV, it usually needed about 3 years to get it. In the first year after getting...
A Leading Woman
A Leading WomanHave you experienced any difference in being led by a man and by a woman? Most probably your answer would be: “YES, I have”. Have you ever wondered WHAT exactly this difference is about? There is a strong public interest in seeing more women becoming...
What do you think about getting promoted? Don’t fall into the trap!
What do you think aboutgetting promoted? Don't fall into the trap!Who doesn`t want to be promoted? The most frequent answer is: all of us! This is exactly what drives us to achieve our goals every day. In my professional life, the world of smaller or bigger, local or...
Have you ever thought of becoming a CEO? No?
Have you ever thought of becoming a CEO? No? That`s actually just like me ….When I have started my professional life from being a Pharmaceutical Representative - the biggest dream about my professional future was to work in Marketing department one day. Why there?...
What if we turn New Year’s resolutions into New Year’s VISIONS?
What if we turn New Year'sresolutions into New Year'sVISIONS?Do you make New Year`s resolutions? In your private and/or in your professional life? It is said that the world is divided into those who love making them and those who hate it In which team are you?...